It's amazing how much better I feel after a few good nights of sleep. I spent so much of this week going to bed at 1 or 1:30 (silly disc golf) and getting up at 7:30 (stupid econ midterm and foam buying). For me at least, that's not what you would call sustainable. But the last couple days I've gotten to relax which is nice. Thursday was probably the best. I was laying around after a shower reading and drinking tea before going to the colbert report. It feels so nice to do nothing.
By the way, the Daily Show and the Colbert Report were both amazing and I think I like Colbert better. First of all, I was in the front row and he totally touched my hand (sigh) and second of all, he just says shit that people can't get away with saying. Though the daily show had a great segment on the ban of the n-word. And both Steward and Colbert came out before the show to talk to the audience and they're both really sharp and quick thinking. It was great.
Last night I should have gone kareokeing. I told my engineers I'd hang out with them but they were totally lame and boring and wouldn't stop talking about baseball stats and how they're kept. I don't even care about baseball let alone the stats.
Also I'm ridiculously excited about my prom dresses which are now normal dresses. Unreasonably excited. Mostly because I liked them so much at the time (6/7 years ago) and never got to wear them again. And now that they're cut off at the knees, I can. Which is also good because it means I didn't have to buy a dress for mike lui's wedding tommorrow.
I'm freaking out about housing for next year. There are so many variables and I can't work with all of them including....
Start date = July 16th
I need an apartment
Location: brooklyn v. UWS
Roommates: me OR me + leora OR me+leora+tracy
if leora and/or tracy, then the apartment/ neighborhood needs to be kosher
if leora then the rent needs to be under $700
Time frame: july OR aug OR sept and if aug or sept then....
Summer sublet: full summer OR one month
It got much more complicated when aron decided to stay in his apartment for the summer instead of moving to westchester so I can't sublet from him unless I want to move in with him and I don't. Which means I have to get a place earlier than I planned which stresses leora out because she has less time to save money and she makes so little of it. And now she's talking about bailing on me which is fine if she does it now and not so fine if she does it in a month or two. AHHHHHHH!!!!
By the way, the Daily Show and the Colbert Report were both amazing and I think I like Colbert better. First of all, I was in the front row and he totally touched my hand (sigh) and second of all, he just says shit that people can't get away with saying. Though the daily show had a great segment on the ban of the n-word. And both Steward and Colbert came out before the show to talk to the audience and they're both really sharp and quick thinking. It was great.
Last night I should have gone kareokeing. I told my engineers I'd hang out with them but they were totally lame and boring and wouldn't stop talking about baseball stats and how they're kept. I don't even care about baseball let alone the stats.
Also I'm ridiculously excited about my prom dresses which are now normal dresses. Unreasonably excited. Mostly because I liked them so much at the time (6/7 years ago) and never got to wear them again. And now that they're cut off at the knees, I can. Which is also good because it means I didn't have to buy a dress for mike lui's wedding tommorrow.
I'm freaking out about housing for next year. There are so many variables and I can't work with all of them including....
Start date = July 16th
I need an apartment
Location: brooklyn v. UWS
Roommates: me OR me + leora OR me+leora+tracy
if leora and/or tracy, then the apartment/ neighborhood needs to be kosher
if leora then the rent needs to be under $700
Time frame: july OR aug OR sept and if aug or sept then....
Summer sublet: full summer OR one month
It got much more complicated when aron decided to stay in his apartment for the summer instead of moving to westchester so I can't sublet from him unless I want to move in with him and I don't. Which means I have to get a place earlier than I planned which stresses leora out because she has less time to save money and she makes so little of it. And now she's talking about bailing on me which is fine if she does it now and not so fine if she does it in a month or two. AHHHHHHH!!!!