
Saturday, September 22, 2007

new apartment

I realized that I haven't posted about the fact that I'm in a new place. I am! Me and Leora moved into a 1 BR convertible on 90th between Columbus and Central Park West. In the last month, we had the wall put in so that it became a 2 BR and we moved stuff in lots of stages. First a little of my stuff, then all of her stuff including 9 sections of a sectional couch (we got rid of 5 of those), and then my parents came down last weekend or the weekend before with a mini van full of furniture, including an 8 ft tall IKEA wardrobe to be my closet and dresser all in one.

It was pretty intense moving and putting together furniture, but it seriously looks awesome now. The living room is a good size and it looks so much like home. Couch, chair, bookshelf, end table, lamp, dining room table and chairs... it looks really good. My mom loves shopping at the salvation army and she picked up some great stuff for me. She had a week at work where she had to be there but she didn't have any appointments, and I swear she spent the whole time on the IKEA website. I'd get random messages ("Nicki, 20 by 30 rolling kitchen cart. Call your mother" ), but I couldn't have done it without her. I think leora and i are going to finish hanging pictures this weekend. My room is small but now that the furniture is in place it looks good too. It's really starting to feel like an honest to goodness, grown up home, that I look forward to getting back to. I'm still getting used to the kosher kitchen, but I love the space and I love having all of Leora's books here.


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