
Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm sure people must be dying for news of me. After all, I've disappeared for a very long time. There's a lot less internet access when you're camping in maine or at the cabin with your family. Camping in Maine with karen was awesome. We really got a chance to talk and we were able to bike and hike in some beautiful places. Also, we bought a lobster down on the docks for $6 and then bought a bucket and then boiled it over a camp fire. And then I ate it. =)

The last few days I've been home, but it's been to hot to sit in front of a computer for very long. And I've been busy getting everything together to move first to aron's for a week, then to tao's for a month and then to a real place in september. There's been a lot to do but it's all coming together. I've been mostly worried about outfitting myself. I have clothes and shoes and I bought a nice watch yesterday and today mikey bought me two bags for birthday presents, one for this year and one for last year.

I've been really nervous about starting. Really scared. There are just so many unknowns. In response I've been focusing on the details, the shopping and the financials, the first day and the tax forms rather than the big pictures. I took a much needed step back last night and spent some time thinking through and writing down my values in a series of statements. I came up with a list that encompasses how I want to think and behave when I'm by myself, with my friends, with my family or at work. I felt much better when I had. If I have a clear idea of my own values and ideals, then I can make smaller decisions that reflect them and be more purposeful in my actions. For example, before I went through that process I had already made a budget for the year, but after writing my values down clearly, I could change my budget to reflect that. So I allocated more money towards seeing my family for example. I guess I'm trying to use the time I have to be introspective so that I'll have something to fall back on when I get busy. Maybe at some point I'll post the statements I wrote, but for now, they're still a work in progress.


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