
Thursday, May 10, 2007


Last night was every bit as amazing as I had hoped. I can't even express how awesome it was to watch people's faces as they went through the thought process "stoops can't be here....wait, that looks like stoops....HOLY SHIT!" I couldn't stop giggling for the longest time. Gabi's face as she stood up and looked around the resteraunt while her eyes got all shifty.....oh man that was awesome.

The whole day was incredible. There aren't even words big enough to fill it. I met stoops at 72nd at around 8:30 and we chilled and hung out in the park and talked and ate ice cream until I had to go uptown to take my last final at 1. Which sucked a little bit but whatever, I'm done. And then there was tons of intrigue cause we wanted to go surprise tao but when i called up to see when it would be a good time to "umm....measure the room for a bed that i'm thinking of buying" he was like "yeah i'm home. goose is coming over soon." mayday mayday!!!! goose wasn't allowed to know stoops was home until DBQ. After a lot of diliberation, we called tao....

me: i'm going to make a series of odd requests. i'm going to put you on the phone with someone and you can't express any emotion when i do. Don't say anything except "uh huh" and do not reveal to goose the identity of this person. do you agree to those conditions.

hehehe, it was so sketchy. I put stoops on the phone and about a half hour later, tao called to say goose had gone home. We were pretty sure tao had said something like "you know what would be great right now? if you weren't here." So we went over there and then i went home to get pretty and meet everyone to go down to DBQ. About part way through the meal, stoops made his grand entrance and seriously, if anyone reading this ever goes to africa (or japan) for two years and wants to do something funny, surprising your friends by showing up on a continent that you're not supposed to be on is a great idea.

It was a great night and totally full of old people which was fun. Kelsey and corey and eliza and max and amanda murphey and vicki and paul jawlik up for maryland and eyton and of course stoops. it's just so good to see him.


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