
Monday, April 23, 2007

Some times I totally suck at life. It's so depressing when I'm moody and bitchy and irritable and I can't handle the simplest situation. I have to keep telling myself, I have one week left in classes and two weeks and 2 days til i'm done with school. But it's not really school that's stressing me out. It's everything else. I mean school I have two problem sets due today, one probably due next monday, one take home final, one regular final and a wind turbine. Actually the wind turbine is pretty huge especially since it comes with a 75 page paper attached. My point is, it's all going to get done and i'm not worried about it. It's no excuse for how mentally unstable i've been lately.

i have to stop breaking my own rule. the one about not saying anything to/about yourself that you wouldn't say to your best friend (if you expected to stay friends).


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