
Sunday, February 18, 2007

So apparently I missed the best part of the party. Goddamn it. It got broken up at around 12 15. Well, security didn't tell us we had to break it up but they told us that if they came back again, my suite would be in trouble and there were way too many people to quiet down for that to be an option. I hadn't even had a chance to enjoy it because there were too many people to be signed in and the guy at the desk was being really strict so I had to beg all of my engineering friends to sign people in. So we kicked everyone out and we started cleaning and mopping the floor before it had a chance to get sticky. The rest of the party moved to goose and tail's suite and I was going to go up there too, but before i had even finished cleaning sasha called to say that that had gotten broken up and people were moving to lion's head. There was no way I was going to lions head in the cold to pay for alcohol, so i chilled for a while with aron and suitemates and then went to bed.

And I missed the party! And there was crazy drama and drunkenness! So not only did my team lose at frisbee but I wasn't even there to help win the party! I'm pissed. If I had known people were still up in 1206.... It didn't help that I lost my phone at some point (it dropped under my bed) and I was too lazy to look for it. I hate missing out. There were people I liked there. It would have been fun. Goddamn it.


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