
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wicked.... so good! I was so impressed. I've been kind of let down by a lot of broadway shows (I'm looking at you Movin' Out) and others have seemed anticlimactic because they're so familiar (Spamalot and Producers), but Wicked was up there was Avenue Q as a totally worth it show. I really liked the music, the set was amazing, and I thought all the preformers were excellent. I liked. =)

I'm also excited about winter league. I got drafted 5th which cracks me up cause that's totally overrated, and I really like playing with most of the guys on my team. I'm just mad that berger got drafted before me. Not because i'm better than him. Just because it was so funny last year when he got so mad. Yeah, on paper our team isn't going to do so well but winter league is all about luck. I'm just worried about how out of shape i am.

Yesterday was almost entirely unproductive. Well, I did meet with my design group to talk about turbines. I'm supposed to research the generator so I started looking on line and there is an amazing number of people out there that build things like wind turbines and alternators for fun, in their garage. I'm so impressed by them. I guess i was social yesterday, that's something. And I had a really nice dinner with steve in the village, which was fun. I'm going to have to take him out for dinner at some point; I feel like i'm pretty far in debt as far as paying for things goes. i never plan to be; it just happens and i guess i'm a mooche.

Oh, I wanted to write about the documentary i saw, the Invisible Children one. It made me feel so cynical. They showed the film that these three college kids had made about the effect of the LRA on northern uganda and it was really sad, but i was familiar with the story so not shocking. But then they had a film on their fundraising drive and about how many books and computers they had sent over there and about how many kids were now in schools. And that's great, i know that's great, but i couldn't help thinking about the storage closet full of computers at stoops' teachers college and the shelves of books and classroom resources that apparently never get used. So while these guys were making a perfectly reasonable pitch- "$3 a week can make such a difference..."- it made me uncomfortable to think that people were giving this money and patting themselves on the back for it when who knows for real whether any of that equipment is getting any use at all. I wish i wasn't so cynical.


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