
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Oh man. I did more studying in the last 12 hours than i think i've done in weeks. Seriously, i studyed linear for 7 hours straight. And then studyed lab until now. Though part of that was spent exchanging back rubs for information. "I'll give you a 10 minute massage if you give me one for 8 minute PLUS a 5 minute lecture on natural convection on heat fins" I think I won cause in every exchange i got a back rub and some notes. =) Yes, my friends are huge nerds. They're probably over there right now talking about the effect of Mach numbers on the beta angle while listening to christmas music and smoking an old man pipe.

By 4 o clock tomorrow I'll be done with 2 finals with one Wednesday morning and then a take home that will probably take me another hour to kill. Not so bad. I can't wait til wednesday afternoon and all my platonic dates. Climbing at chelsea piers should be amazing. The pictures of the wall were so cool and after climbing all year at a little tiny place, it'll be nice to get some decent height. Hopefully i'll have enough energy for ice skating after.

Ok, need to finish my lab notebook and double check my cheat sheets.


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