I have such a ridiculous amount of things to do for school in terms of finishing take homes and studying for finals and finishing up a couple of labs. I'm totally not helping myself by continuing to schedule fun things in there. Like tomorrow I'm supposed to go climbing and then go to a team dinner and I have a review session which means that if I do all that, I only have from 9-3 to get any work done. Yes theoretically I could not go climbing. But I just read an article in the new york times about how, while people regret the time they spent playing when they were supposed to be working a week after the fact, five years after the fact they regret that they didn't play more. In other words, no one looks back on college and says "damn i shouldn't have gone out that night. I could have pulled the A instead of the B+" but people do say "damn why didn't i party it up more when it was socially acceptable? why did i miss that concert or that date to take a test that honestly doesn't matter anymore?" Of course that's only true up until a point. At some point it does start to effect the rest of your life. I mean, I kind of wish my grades were better so I could have had more job choices. But for the most part, I don't think that's because of my lack of work ethic.
So yes, I'm rationalizing.... =)
So yes, I'm rationalizing.... =)
At 10:45 AM,
Gabi said…
and besides, you already have two job offers =)
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