
Monday, December 11, 2006

Wooohooo! Just finished my last class of my last fall semester. Not that that means I'm actually done with school or anything; far from it. But it is one step closer (to the edge, and I'm about to break...sorry, free association =)) Yeah so my countdown list is getting shorter which is excellent.

2 labs -one just correct a small part, one just write the intro
1 lab notebook- which I haven't been keeping all semester so I have a lot of data to invent
2 take home finals- I'd like those done by the end of the week
3 real finals- I have to study for all of them but only one should be ridiculously hard

That's not so many things. It'll suck a little bit since I'm pretty unfocused right now, but that's alright. I want to finish everything but the finals by the end of the day today. And we're having a party tomorrow! I hope its as good as last time only longer though I'm a little skeptical. So many people have said that they might come so its hard to know whether there wil be a real party or only 10 of us standing around.

This weekend was a lot of fun though almost entirely unproductive. Saturday my cousins came into the city and I went down to Bryant park to hang out. They were so ridiculous. Jesse hasn't been to NY since he was 14 (he's around 35 now) and all of the sudden he decides that he wants to take a bus tour from the middle of pennsylvania to new york with his wife and two young daughters for the day. It didn't sound fun to me at all; all they did was hang around places like Macy's on 34th and Rockefeller and 5th Ave. On a Saturday. During Christmas season. Do you have any idea how crowded that is? And it was cold out. I told them they should come back for a weekend and I'd show them around places that don't suck.

That night was also pretty cool. I went to a party that ended up being a ton of grad students including the TAs for two of my classes, but the people were all really interesting (investment analysts, rocket scientists, domanatrix....) and its the first college party i've been to that's served seared tuna. and salmon. and all kind of delicious things. I think it was worth missing a showing of wizard people for.


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