
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm DONE!.... oh wait...

I'm ALMOST done. I'm done with the hardest part. I took three finals in the last two days and i have to say, i was mostly prepared for everything; none of them were nearly as bad as i was expecting. And I did study hard. Linear, I worked at it for 6 or 7 hour and then lab i worked on the rest of the night. Controls I wasn't so hard core about cause i prefered to hang out with Aron. Especially since he was making me dinner. =)

Even with that distraction, the six of us (meaning my main group of mech E friends who I do everything with) went over basically everything that ended up being on the test in the 5 hours we did spend. Though we have a bad habit of lapsing into hypothetical questions when we get tired of studying. They start with questions like "if this exam is worth 40% of our grade and there are 6 questions and I have a 88, how many questions can i mess up" and then they progress to questions like "if I gave you $20, would you take a shot of tequila a half hour before the test?" or "i would pay you whatever you want if you shit in a blue book and then stapled it up and handed it in" (not my hypothetical) Which of course at 1 in the morning when we're trying to comprehend frequency response for the worst class ever is hysterical.

Yeah so I still don't know when I'm going home tomorrow. It depends on when I finish my take home and pack. Which won't happen until after I go ice skating and climbing. And possibly christmas shopping if i can figure out what do get my dumb brothers.


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