
Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm pissy. And moody. And I plan to stay that way. At least until I feel like stopping. So there.

What day is it? Monday? I spent so much time in class today. Class is lame. I stayed up so late last night, the first part deriving the continuity equation for cylindrical coordinates (or trying) and the second part talking about feelings. I don't know which is more tiring. Coordinates? Feelings? Fuck that shit.

Now, potlucks. Those are a good idea. Always. It was funny how many people brought totally cold weather food, heavy starch and soup type stuff. Usually I love hosting them because the more random people show up and bring the most random things. I think we had 30 people. Maybe more. Probably more. There were a bunch that i didn't even know. But then my foot started really hurting and i remembered all the problem sets i had to do so i just decided to be anti-social. I'm pretty sure my foot isn't broken though because it feels better today and not worse. And I'm not pregnant. Two good things. I still probably shouldn't run tonight but at least i can get a decent lift in.

Damn i meant to study for econ before practice but as usual i got distracted. It'll have to wait til after. Oh i watched the Pursuit of Happyness (a while ago now) and i really liked it but man was it depressing. Yeah you knew that things were going to work out for will smith in the end but it didn't make it a happy ending. It just made it a slightly less sad movie.


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