
Sunday, May 21, 2006


Well I'm back in MA. Technically, I moved Thursday. My stuff moved Wednesday but it didn't follow it until the next morning because I had to say good bye to the little sister and I wanted to hang out with people. Seeing Rone wasn't as upsetting as I thought it would be. We just hung out, talked about anime, and then I left. No deep conversations or anything. That's the best way.

Anyway, the Thursday move date didn't really count because I left at 7:30 Friday morning to go to Chicago. So thursday night consisted mainly of load after load of laundry as I tried to unpack enough to be able to repack. My room is still a total wreck. I think I'm going to move everything to my brother's room so it won't be in my way as I try to sort through all the crap I've accumulated for the last 3 1/2 years. It's itimidated.

The weekend was nice thought not exactly a crazy party. It was me, my mom, my aunt, and my five cousins. The youngest of that set of cousins is 38 so its not exactly a party crowd. There are a lot of women on my mom's side of the family. By generation:

3 sisters (including my mom)
5 female cousins, me, my 2 brothers
7 girl cousins, 3 boy cousins
For a grand female/male ratio of 16/5.

This explains why my mom's side of the family has "ladies' weekends." I don't mind. I get to stay in hotels I can't afford and eat at resteraunts I wouldn't be able to pay for. And I like my cousins. They're pretty impressive women (lawyers, navel commanders, engineers, etc) and they all have pretty good sense of humor and a real appreciation for good food. I'm much calmer after having a weekend to relax away from NY and MA and any kind of work or decisians.

I also liked chicago a lot more than I thought I would as a city. I was really impressed with its art museums and just the general feel of the city. I had only been there once before for a 8 hour layover, but I enjoyed walking around and finding good places to eat and running along the lake. It helped that it was nice and sunny.

Also I really like having a diploma. I didn't think it would make a difference to me cause after all I still haven't really finished what I started. But it does. Cause now, no matter what I do I have a Barnard diploma with a Barnard GPA so it feels like I can do the engineering without risking everything. Like I could say in a job interview "yeah engineering was a real stretch for me but I decided to do it anyway even though its obvious from my grades that I'm better at other things." Also its a really pretty piece of paper with lots of pretty latin.

Now all I have to do is find a frisbee team in seattle...


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