
Friday, May 05, 2006

end in sight

Holy shit I'm tired. I literally spent 16 hours staring at my jack yesterday and when I got back to the lab at 8 this morning, there were still people there from last night. And its still not done. I have to price it, draw some sketches, and go back over my drawing sheets. That shouldn't take me more than an hour or two. I was working really well yesterday; its just too bad I hadn't done that a week ago.

I also had to miss midnight breakfast which made me sad. But if I had gone over there at 11, I probably would have ended up going home and then I'd really have been fucked. I was also in a terrible overtired cranky mood which I still kind of am. Every time someone called to tell me I should go to midnight breakfast, I got so angry and no one wants to be around me when I'm like that. It's not their fault that they're done and I've been in the lab for 40 hours in the last three days. I've been getting angry pretty easily lately cause I know I was last Saturday, Monday, and then last night, mostly cause I was feeling abused. I'm not usually an angry person so its better if I stay away from people. It's nice of them to call but honestly I can't deal with people.

I will be in a much better mood when I hand this in and take a run and then a nap. Or reverse the order. This is just my bad week.


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