
Friday, May 12, 2006

belated woohoo!

I'm done with school! As of 5:14 yesterday. It was an amazing feeling. My last two tests weren't that bad I guess. I didn't fail. There wasn't anything that made me cry. I had just been studying for sooo long. I managed to actually study by keeping entirely away from people who were already finished and pretending that everyone else was working too. Manufacturing was a joke in that I really felt like I was playing balderdash on the short answer questions.

For example
Test: "What is a pultrusion?"
Me: "Well I know we didn't actually learn about this but it sounds like a combination of "pull" and "extrusion". "A pultrusion is an extrusion that you pull."

Even funnier was waiting outside Hamilton for people to finish so we could crack the champaign and hearing every single person come out and ask "Is a pultrusion an extrusion that you pull?" "Did we learn about metal matrixes?" "Is a tailor blank just a blank, only like, custum made?" Yeah, I think there'll be quite a curve on that one. Which is what you get when you test people on things you didn't teach.

But then we had champaign on the lawn and found a camera and turned it into security and hung out and it was a good evening. Helped my parents move my futon out. God, Eric is getting so much stuff. They're bringing him futon, mattress, two tables, 4 chairs, and a vacuum. And that's only what I could see in the back of the van. I'm pretty sure my dad had stuffed even more in there. Basically they're furnishing an apartment for him out of stuff that was in our barn. Had dinner with them and then got all fancy to go out.

I hadn't dressed up for a while and it was really funny to see people's reactions. Especially my engineers who only ever see me in sweats studying. It's not often that I get to see 9 or 10 guys do a double take when I walk in =). Too bad they all have girlfriends. Actually it really is too bad. I really like a couple of them. One or two in particular are smart funny cute and ridiculously charming. Damn them.

Started at Lerner Pub which was fun but a high school dance is a high school dance even with alcohol. Got Sarah and Jen signed into EC but there was really no one at the frisbee party and it was kind of awkward for them. Wein was ridiculous. I didn't even know you could have parties in wein but I guess its ok when the RA is the one stumbling down to sign in my friends saying "I'm so wasted" over and over again. It was totally a mech e party. Then 1020 in the rain then nachos which was good. I like it when my groups of friends mingle.

I don't know why I had so much energy since at that point I had been awake for about 22 hours. But I really wanted to dance and people kept handing me margaritas and dancing and it was so fun. Finally headed back to EC through the pouring rain and sprinklers were on all over campus. We laughed. It was a good night. I just wish we hadn't had to move around quite so much. By the time I headed home the skys had opened up. My clothes are drying and my shoes were really unhappy.

I'm just glad the semesters finally over. It's been so long. I don't know how my grades are going to be. Not great compared to the people I know in my classes but I feel like the 3-2s are much more on the ball than the normal students so I still might be ok. I worked really fucking hard this semester no matter what. I really did. I put so much time into pretty much all of my classes with only a few lapses. I can't say that for every semester. It's been a crazy few months.

Now all I have to do is find a place to live. Two weeks (ish) til I move. Maybe closer to 3. Either way I need to get on it.


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