
Thursday, June 08, 2006


hehe I'm all the way accross the country. I love travelling. It was such a long trip but everything went pretty much exactly as planned.

Monday I flew in, found the house no problem, and spent the afternoon getting lost on busses and trying to find my office. good thing I decided to take a test run cause I ended up miles from where I was supposed to and that wouldn't have been good at 7 in the morning, late on my first day. The people I'm living with seem really normal and chill. We watched law and order and simpsons. They're all young and students and I'm glad I decided to live with people. Its three guys and a girl but one of the guys is moving out. The other two created a car bomb involving steak and beef broth and played jenga with me. I videotaped. Not the jenga, the car bomb. It was funny.

Tuesday I went to work and on my way home I saw an ultimate game down the street from me from the window of the bus. So I ran home and got changed and they let me play with them in this scrimmage which was so fun. They invited me to play at Potlatch and Chico with them which I'm totally going to even though I found a different team for summer league itself. I can't wait for it to start. Its light here until wicked late, like 9 30 or 10 so after scrimmaging I had time to go grocery shopping, run into my roommates, go get ice cream with them, and have them help me carry my groceries up the hill. It was a really good day.

Work is a little frustrating because the guy I'm working with wants me to finish a project by friday. But the project involves autocad, a program I've never learned, complicated floor plans which I can't read, and knowledge of building componants (ducts, diffusers, chill beams) that I don't have. I don't know what they were expecting from me, but I never claimed to know any of that stuff. He's being cool about teaching me, but you can tell that he wanted me to be able to jump in and help immeadiately and instead he has to teach me everything. But its not like I had a chance to learn this stuff and passed. Mech Es don't learn autocad and we don't look at floor plans at least not as juniors. That shit is for civils. So I spent the last two days feeling dumb. But the office seems cool. Lots of young people and a kayaking trip this friday.

I like Seattle people. They're friendly, laid back and they say "right on" where I would say cool, like a million times a day. The downtown isn't much to speak of and the city is really suberban feeling. Well that's not quite true. But it feels like Newton, if you know Boston, or Forest Hills, if you know Queens. Lots of greeness and highways cutting through and little houses. Not like Manhattan, even a little bit. The buses go everywhere but they run one the half hours or so (depending on the bus). So its extensive but you have to kind of plan.

Anyway, all goes well so far.


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