moving into a new place is such a rush for me. It's like the beginning of a relationship when everything is new and clean. New possibilities, new people to meet, new places to see. I've just been going around with a big smile on my face. Its an addicting feeling. I've done it before and I know in a few weeks it will settle into routeine with occassional loneliness. And right before I start to leave I'll start to get into the comfortable stage that I am in new york where i know my way around and have some people to hang with. But nothing beats the rush of the first couple weeks. It's intense.
I played some pretty shitty pick up this morning. No stall count, no out of bounds. Honestly I was the only one on the field with a flick. So of course I'm cutting for the flick cause obviously that's the open side and no one can make that throw. Losers. Ha. But on the upside I've played pick up twice and both times I've been invited to join teams and play tournaments. So far I'm going to potlatch, logjam (in portlant) and something in chico, CA. I love being a girl.
I played some pretty shitty pick up this morning. No stall count, no out of bounds. Honestly I was the only one on the field with a flick. So of course I'm cutting for the flick cause obviously that's the open side and no one can make that throw. Losers. Ha. But on the upside I've played pick up twice and both times I've been invited to join teams and play tournaments. So far I'm going to potlatch, logjam (in portlant) and something in chico, CA. I love being a girl.
At 12:34 PM,
SHA said…
Hey Nicki! Sounds like you're having a good time in Seattle!
I wanted to let you know that I accepted the job offer from Techbooks (the one in Boston). I start June 26th! Anyways, give me a call sometime so you can tell me all about your exciting life on the west coast :)
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