
Sunday, April 09, 2006

college weekend

I wonder if this was the kind of weekend other people have all the time, going out three nights in a row, waking up late every day feeling a little queezy but not too bad, doing some work before going out to do it again.

Thursday I was so antcy. I couldn't wait to get out and drink. I'm almost never like that. Usually when I go out, its either a chill night with the Barnard girls or a chill night with the frisbee team. But Thursday I just wanted out, wanted to go crazy. Which I guess I kind of did, and it was really fun to be out with all the engineering boys, especially since the men's team had sectionals and most of my Barnard friends went home kind of early. There were a million 3-2s out that night and quite a few mech. Es. Its kind of funny though, cause they're not really sure what to do with me, like "is it ok to hit on her?" Usually they just see me in class or doing problem sets or playing soccer. If they weren't all out, I wouldn't have lasted as long and its a good thing I did cause I had to be third wheel for Sarah and Rich. Also, I spent a total of $3 all night for 1.5 margaritas, .5 mudslides, 1 shot, and 3 beers. I consider that a victory.

Friday I had to spend most of the day doing a lab, and I felt like chilling so me and Sarah had ice cream and then I went home to watch Anchorman with Brian and Jake which was social in just the right way. I kind of wanted to go to bed early but Rob wanted to go out at like 12 :30 so I figured I'd keep him company and see what happened. What happened is I got through one beer, felt really sick to my stumach, and decided that I didn't really feel like being out anymore. I lasted til 2:30 and that's late enough.

Last night I went to a comedy club with Steve and a bunch of his friends. It was ok. Some of the acts were pretty funny but it was really expensive and a couple of his friends got ridiculously drunk before we even got there so they spent the show in the bathroom. Not cool. It was kind of nice to get out of Morningside Heights though even if 23rd St isn't exactly a new neighborhood for me.

Hmm I guess that was more detail then I needed but I almost never have those weekends. Usually I have tournaments or little sister or just a lot of work. Well, I do have a lot of work but I should get it done and the lab I can't really work on yet. The rest I'll finish today, shouldn't be a problem. I should probably take a run too before I go to Leora's show.


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