
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I throw like a girl

On the list of sports I can play credibly: frisbee, basketball, soccer, crew, track (all forms of running), rock climbing, volleyball, swimming, biking

And the ones that I can't (that I've tried): baseball, tennis (though I do have fun trying), street and field hockey, lacrosse, and now, the newest addition, dodgeball.

That's ok. I'm happy with my can-play list, and I've accepted the fact that I don't have a throwing arm and can't manage equipment (rackets, sticks, gloves, etc). I have fun anyway.

In other news, after hearing the orchestra concert, I kind of wish I had kept playing the clarinet.

In still other news, I heard the Prime Minister of Pakistan speak today. He sounded ridiculously smart, is clearly a smooth politician, and presented some really interesting views. One thing that particularly caught my attention was his view on nuclear weapons. It was basically a statement of the "mutually assured destruction" doctrine that the US used through much of the Cold War, i.e, having nukes actually keeps peace by discouraging invasions.


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