
Monday, March 20, 2006

so fucking tired

I've been up pretty much since 7:30 am yesterday. For some reason, I thought the trip wouldn't be so bad this year, but it was. Luckily I had good people in my car, though it was funny to see Goose and Anne together. There are some people I wouldn't have wanted to spend 14 hours with. And when we finally got back at 5:30 this morning, I had to find parking which took me more than a half hour. I tried to parallel park it behind a dumpster and it didn't work and i got really frustrated.

Still, it was a good trip. Lots and lots of driving but fun. Not as good a group as last year (one measure of group goodness is how many of the guys I would hook up with. Last year I put the count at about 5, this year it was at a very qualified 2. Not that I would have hooked up with anyone last year or this year). Anyway, not as many outgoing people that you need to keep a party going for a week, but still fun. I really like our rookies a lot, and it was a lot of fun to see how much better the team was this year. And I went skinny dipping. And I got Jessie to go skinny dipping. And I heckled Retail for having no game.

I'm also glad I went to see Uncle Rich and Aunt Barb. They're some of my favorite relatives and they seemed so happy to see me. Uncle Rich was so excited to take me out on his little motor canoe and show me a manatee and take me biking. Too bad he can't steer a boat. Aunt Barb: Rich, its getting shallow here, Rich i think you should turn. Rich cut the engine!" They've got a sweet house right on a canal and they seem happy with their retirement.

And, I like being warm. I hate shivering all the time. Got an e mail from Stoops which got me upset all over again, but it'll be ok. I spent that morning by myself.
And now I'm back, still awake, trying to finish my assignment that's due today/ tommorrow before I fall asleep where I sit.


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