
Friday, August 25, 2006

And I'm....out

I left Seattle this morning, so I'm writing this from my cousin's living room in San Francisco. Here til Saturday and then I'm up to Sacramento and then home. Maybe this shouldn't be the biggest thing to miss, but I'm really sad because my team made the summer league finals and they're playing right now without me. It is especially sad because we had an amazing game last night against a hard team, easily the best game of ultimate I've been involved with in a while and I played so well. No I'm not a modest person, I caught a lot of tough scoers and got some Ds but the whole team played so well.

I kept busy the last couple days in town. Monday, Morgan took me and Ben climbing which was a lot of fun. I got up a 5 7 no problem and I was almost up a 5 8 when my hands started slipping. Then the three of us and alison had dinner. Morgan is so funny cause he's this nice geeky guy who every once in a while comes out with the most inappropriate comments, usually about me. I'm like "if you weren't so nice I'd totally sue you for sexual harrassement."

Then Tuesday Brett came up from Portland and we had dinner and then I had my game and now I'm chatting with my cousins so more later...


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