
Tuesday, July 25, 2006


My work goes in such waves. Last week I was so busy and this week, I'm cleaning out my bag and reading everything I can find on line. I've asked the people I like if they need help and they said no.

At least the heat broke. It's back down in the 70s which is nice. Yesterday was really rough. I went to the beach right after work. I was kind of pissed though cause Ben invited me to a lake house and i said no cause i was expecting O Malley and Jocelyn to come back. They never did and they didn't call. They got a motel room out in Redmond or somewhere. When Mike finally called me back around midnight, he said his phone had died, but I didn't even know they were considering a motel that night. Whatever, at least I got to go the the beach and I chilled with Dan for a while, part of it on the roof which was fun.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Pirates of Penzance with Sarah on Thursday. That was my favorite production in high school. I remember always looking behind me the whole time I was supposed to be playing in the pit orchestra so I could see the show. Especially Uzo and Jim Alison and all the dancing. It was so fun. And Dave Mederos doing the major general. Poor Dave, it's so weird to think that he's gone. Anyway I have really strong memories of the show so I'm curious to see if its actually a good musical.


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